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      Covid - 19 Personal Protection

      Covid - 19 Personal Protection

      We have EVERYTHING you need to stay safe during these times

      We carry a wide variety of PPE items such as;

      Surgical Disposable Face Masks, Re-usable Cotton Designer Face Masks, Face Shields, Nitrile Non Latex Gloves, Latex Gloves, Alcohol Free Sanitizer, Gel, Liquid and Spray Sanitizer, Surgical Bouffant Caps, Disposable Hospital Gowns, and Pants as well as many other accessories to help keep you safe

      We offer these items singly or in bulk/case sizes in case you need a LOT!

      You will also notice we offer a lot of DONATIONS, Including our successful Buy One, "we" donate One Programs. If you know of an organization that is in need of ANY PPE product PLEASE send us an email at

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