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      December 2014
      New York Magazine, Profile of Uncle Sam's Army Navy Outfitters

      October 5th, 2014
      Fashion Maniac, Fashion Maniac Presents: Uncle Sam’s Army Navy Surplus Zombies

      June 2013
      The Buffalo News, Buffalo is home to one of North America’s largest military surplus stores

      February 17th 2009
      GQ, Hidden in plain sight: Two things, actually

      September 2008
      Crain's New York, Uncle Sam's is a must-stop shop for designers and filmmakers.

      July 15, 2004
      Press Release, Come Down to Uncle Sam's NYC

      November 4, 2003
      The New York Times, Gwen Stefani Joins the Fashion Fray

      October 13, 2001
      Press Release, Uncle Sam's Army Navy helps WTC workers

      May 7, 2001
      New York Magazine, Buy All That You Can Buy

      October 13, 2001
      The Village Alliance, Uncle Sam's and the Village