Wheel and Deal!
We offer many ways to get you what you need at an affordable price.
1) Our "Make an Offer" option allows for a NO OBLIGATION way to offer what you budget allows. This is a great tool if you are inquiring about wanting to purchase something in BULK and don't see it in our Grab Bags section. We ALWAYS offer better deals on something if you are purchasing wholesale!How does it work? It’s simple! Hit the "Make an Offer" button, located right under the "Add to Cart" button. Tell us the price you are willing to pay, the quantity you are interested in and we will accept, reject or counter the offer using the email address provided. There are no obligations to purchase.
2) Simply send an email to sales@camolots.com with any inquiries about pricing, sizing or bulk orders! We are here to assist you no matter how large or small your order is.
We will also PURCHASE/TRADE YOUR military goods!
See our TRADES/SELL POLICY here for more information
OR send an email to sales@camolots.com with as much detailed information as you have about the product (size, color, year, condition, and amount) Pictures of the product will also help determine its value. Include what you would like in return for your product, and we will review and get back to you on a decision.