When our FAVORITE Brazillian designer comes back to visit!
We can NOT wait to see what you design!
You ALWAYS have our support!
Back home, excited, with a sense of duty accomplished and the certainty that a lot of good things were planted in this journey that will bear much fruit. An immersion trip and a lot of hard work in a shed in Buffalo NY with almost 5,000 sq ft of war gear. The research and preparations made prior to my departure were crucial to the income and execution of what has been accomplished thus far. Few days but very productive... and when it comes to arts, it becomes more complex as it also involves creativity and testing on every new technique or materials I've never used before... A lot more to come before War Pieces/Peace is released...... Exhibition in partnership with Camolots, which is providing, in addition to war items, a priceless support... Thanks Richard and Rob!!! Much more to come... and it won't be long! USA, Canada and Brazil walking together Forward ever!
Check out https://www.instagram.com/rudisgarbi/