Military surplus are goods that are sold or otherwise disposed of when no longer needed by the military. Entrepreneurs often buy these goods and resell them at surplus stores. Usually the goods sold by the military are clothing, equipment, and tools of a nature that is generally useful to the civilian population, as well as embroidered patches, name tags, and other items that can be used for a faux military uniform. Occasionally, vehicles (jeeps, trucks, etc.) will be sold as well. Some military surplus dealers also sell military surplus firearms, spare parts, and ammunition alongside surplus uniforms and equipment.
Demand for such items comes from various collectors, outdoor adventurers, hunters, survivalists, and players of airsoft and paintball, as well as others seeking high quality, sturdy, military issue garb. The goods may be used, or not. Some merchants of surplus goods also sell goods that are privately manufactured in military standards.
Stay warm and stylish with our Canadian Military OD Green Wool-Blend Watch Cap. Made from high-quality material, this cap is not only durable but also provides excellent thermal insulation. Designed to meet the strict standards of military wear, it's the...
Uniquely crafted for durability and warmth, our Old-Style Canadian Military OD Green Watch Cap embodies tradition. Made from high-quality materials, this cap is designed to withstand harsh conditions while providing superior comfort and protection. Perfect for outdoor activities or daily...